7. How to Work with Angels (Ages 6 – 10)
Meeting the Angels – Angels of Peace
Overview of Lesson 7 for Children Ages 6 - 10
- Archangel Uriel is always there for you if you make the calls to him.
- Archangel Uriel will help you overcome the knots of anger and fear inside of you.
- Archangel Uriel will help you to solve your problems and feel more peaceful.
- You can pray to him every day.
SUGGESTED MUSIC: Brahms “Lullaby”, “Canon in D” by Pachelbel and classical organ music are excellent for your meditations on Archangel Uriel.
CHAPTER: Angels of Peace
MATERIALS: Large sheets of drawing paper or newsprint and scissors + crayons, markers or paints + Internet access + Birdseed or stale bread for feeding birds.

Archangel Uriel
Archangel Uriel
is your friend of light.
He is there for you
when you need him.
Remember to call to him!
Uriel’s name means “Fire of God”.
He is the leader of the purple
and gold angels of God’s peace.
His spiritual home or retreat is in the
Tatra Mountains, south of Crakow, Poland.
The Secret of Angels
In 1985, Russian cosmonauts, like American astronauts, were launched into space and worked for many weeks at space stations. A group of cosmonauts told a wonderful story of what they saw.
They saw seven large angels, with wings as large as jumbo jets! The angels were smiling, as though they shared in a glorious secret. What is their secret? They are so large and powerful, they can dissolve the biggest problems we have on earth!

Activity 1: Map
Find Crakow (Krakow), Poland on your world map and place a purple and gold marker on it.
Activity 2: Making an Angel
With several large sheets of paper glued together, ask someone to trace your body.
Color it in as if you were a very large angel. Add large angel wings.
(You can color and cut them out of separate sheets of paper and glue them on to your body.)

Uriel and His Angels Bring Peace
The angels of Archangel Uriel can bring peace to the troubled world, into troubled families and into our own hearts when we feel troubled. When you set them to work on a problem, that problem can disappear like rain clouds disappear on a sunny day. When we pray for them to help with big world problems, millions of them will go to work.
Uriel and his angels work with great care. If you ask them to help you with some person you are having trouble with, they will come and smooth out the problems. If you are having trouble with yourself, his angels can come and get rid of the anger or sadness or agitation or fear that takes from you your peace. Archangel Uriel will give you hope.
What can I ask him for?
- To give you peace and hope for the future
- To unwind and dissolve knots of anger and fear inside of you
- To help you peacefully solve problems in your life and in your family
- To help you create harmony so you can be more loving and creative
- To help and inspire doctors and nurses, teachers, judges and all who serve others.
- World service – Archangel Uriel helps to end wars and to bring peace, to establish divine justice in courts of law and between nations around the world.
How do I ask him to help?
- Fiat – You can ask for Archangel Uriel’s immediate help anytime with a short powerful prayer.
“Archangel Uriel,
make me
an instrument
of God’s peace!”
- Decree – You can learn Archangel Uriel’s “Exercise for Letting Go.” It includes two prayers and visualization.
- Visualization and deep breathing
1. Sit in a chair with your legs uncrossed and your feet flat on the floor.
2. Focus your attention on your heart.
3. Place your hands one on top of the other on your heart.
4. Release them and put them on your knees palms up.
5. Relax and breathe gently.
6. Say tenderly to your soul and your body, “Peace be still!” You can repeat it as many times as you like in multiple of three.
7. See you surrounded by the purple-gold-ruby light of the angels of peace.
8. Take a deep breath. As you breathe out, release your worries and concerns into the light.
9. Watch as they dissolve as they contact the beautiful light.
10. Inhale and see the light rush in to fill the spaces where the worries once were. Repeat three times.
- ‘Prayer to Saint Francis’ — Say this special prayer to the humble Saint Francis, who found peace inside of himself and in all of the birds and creatures around him.
St. Francis of Assissi
Make me an instrument of thy peace.
Where there is hatred let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light; and
Where there is sadness, joy.
Grant that I may not so much
Seek to be consoled as to console;
To be understood and to understand;
To be loved as to love.
For it is giving that w receive,
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and
It is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
Prayer to Uriel
Archangel Uriel and angels of peace,
I accept the gift of peace
in my heart,
In my soul, in my spirit,
In my body, in my mind!
Make me an instrument
of God’s peace!
- Daily calls – The best way to make sure Archangel Uriel will always be there for you is to call to him EVERY DAY.
Activity 3: Saint Francis and the birds
On the Internet or at the local library,
find some stories of Saint Francis and the birds.
Get some birdseed or stale bread and feed the birds near your house.