2. How to Work with Angels (Ages 6 to 10)
Meeting the Angels – Angels of Protection
Overview of Lesson 2 for Children Ages 6 to 10
- Saint Michael the Archangel is always there for you if you make the calls to him.
if you make the calls to him. - He helped people in Bible times and he helps people now.
- He will protect you and help you overcome fear.
- He also works to inspire world leaders.
- You can pray to him every day.
MUSIC: The hymn “Eternal Father, Strong to Save,” by Dykes is the keynote melody of Archangel Michael. ”Soldiers’ Chorus” by Gounod is another melody associated with Archangel Michael and his angelic retreat. Music from brass instruments is good for meditations on the blue ray of Archangel Michael.
CHAPTER: Angels of Protection
MATERIALS: Map of the world + Multi-colored push-pins or stickers of dots or stars + Cardboard for making sword and shield with tinfoil to cover + Colored paper, glue and marking pens.

Archangel Michael
is your friend of light.
He is there for you
when you need him.
Just remember
to call to him!

Michael’s name means “Like who is God.” He is the leader of the blue angels of protection and the will of God. His spiritual home or retreat is at Banff, near Lake Louise, Canada.
The holy scriptures of Christianity, Judaism and Islam all tell about the great Archangel Michael. He has been helping people for a very long time! In the Bible there is a story about Joshua and how he fought at the battle of Jericho. As Joshua prepared to fight, the Captain of the Lord’s hosts appeared to him. That was Michael, the Archangel!
In another story there were three boys named Shadrack, Mishack and Abednego. They would not obey the king when he told them they could not follow God’s laws. The king wanted to punish them and he put them into a fiery furnace, but Archangel Michael kept them safe and they walked out of the furnace, without even the smell of smoke on them!
When the Israelites wandered through the wilderness for forty years, Archangel Michael was with them, guarding and protecting them.
Activity 1: Map of the archangels’ homes of light

Modern day miracles of
Archangel Michael’s help and protection
Archangel Michael helped people in ancient Bible times, but he is also helping people right NOW!
The True Story of Daniel
Daniel flies planes. He is a commercial pilot. He is also a father of two children and gives prayers to Archangel Michael for 20 minutes every day. One day he took his boys out for a tractor ride near their house in Dallas, Texas. While they were out on the tractor, a giant tree branch fell on Daniel’s back. He was hurt very badly.
He somehow managed to drive them back to the house. He cannot remember how he did it. His little four-year-old son remembers that day. Archangel Michael came and told the boys their daddy would be okay. Daddy drove the tractor home but a big blue angel came and sat on the front of the tractor.
The True Story of Kelly and Her Friends
Kelly and her friends had just learned to give their prayers to Archangel Michael a few weeks before they really needed him. On their way to a church picnic, the teenagers had given the “Traveling Protection” prayer* when their car was in an accident with a large truck. Kelly was stuck inside the car and one huge wheel of the truck was over her and she could not breathe.
Her friend Heather shouted to her to pray to Archangel Michael! Kelly could not speak, but she could whisper a quiet prayer to Archangel Michael. Suddenly the truck lifted and she was able to roll out. Just then the truck fell once again where she had been! Kelly’s first words after she got free were: “Thank you, Archangel Michael!”
Activity 2: Archangel Michael's sword and shield
Make a sword and shield of cardboard and cover with tinfoil. Decorate as desired. |
What can I ask him for?
- Protection – Archangel Michael offers you protection from physical and spiritual dangers.
- Freedom from fear – Archangel Michael will help you overcome fear and self-doubt, and he will help you perfect your soul in light.
- World service – Archangel Michael inspired leaders in the world and assists them to improve their governments. You can pray to him to help the leaders of America and any nation.
How do I ask him to help?
- Fiat – You can ask Archangel Michael’s immediate help with a short powerful call, Archangel Michael, Help me! Help me! Help me!
- Prayer –You can learn this prayer “Traveling Protection” by heart:
Lord Michael before!
Lord Michael behind!
Lord Michael to the right!
Lord Michael to the left!
Lord Michael above!
Lord Michael below!
Lord Michael, Lord Michael,
wherever I go!
I AM his love protecting here!
I AM his love protecting here!
I AM his love protecting here!
Activity 3: Visit the Archangels' homes of light as you sleep
Just like you and I have a home we live in, the angels have their own special homes of light. Their homes are called retreats and the retreats are in the heaven world over certain places on earth. Retreats are gathering places for angels and schools for our souls where you can learn about any subject you can imagine!
You can visit these retreats at night while your body sleeps. When you wake up in the morning you may not remember all that you have learned, but during the day you may have flashes of inspiration and wonderful new ideas and feelings that you learned from the angels at their retreats.
Special prayer to visit the retreats – Give this prayer each night before you go to sleep to be taken to Archangel Michael’s retreat, or the retreat of any archangel you wish to visit:
In the name of my own Real Self, I ask the angels to take me to the retreat of ______________.
(Name any archangel you wish.)
I ask that I be filled with the will of God and I ask __________________.
(Ask for any special blessing you desire.)
I thank you and accept this done in full power!
Each time you give the Traveling Protection prayer, you can imagine Archangel Michael standing before you, behind you, to your right and to your left, above and below you, wherever you go.

Visualize yourself
in a helmet
and armor
of blue steel
that will keep
you safe
in every way.
As you begin to say the prayer aloud, imagine that you are pulling a sword from your heart and you can point it as the words direct. When the words say,”Lord Michael before!” you point to the front. Imagine you are aiming your sword in all the directions the decree names. When you say “Lord Michael, Lord Michael, wherever I go,” imagine you are drawing a large circle in front of you. For the last thee lines, when you repeat “I AM his love protecting here,” you may clap.
Activity 4: Archangel Michael's Coloring Sheet
Daily prayers
The best way to make sure Archangel Michael will always be there for you is pray to him EVERY DAY.