November 2011
Spiritual Life of the Unborn* 11 : Cultivating the Soul Senses with Right Brain Activities
Classical, beautiful music and art meditations build the intricate patterns of the baby’s soul, and stimulate the development of the soul’s spiritual senses. What are these spiritual senses of the soul and how can these be cultivated? There are five senses of the soul that corresponds with to the five physical senses. You can discover […]
Spiritual Life of the Unborn* 10: Sacred Music to Transform Your Baby
How does music effect the body, mind, emotions and soul of my unborn child—and how do I find the best music? From ancient China to Egypt, from India to the golden age of Greece, we find the same belief: music has the power to contribute to the sublime evolution or the utter degradation of the […]
Spiritual Life of the Unborn* 8: Meditations to Nurture the Soul
Why are meditations important for the baby’s soul? You can transmit to your unborn baby particular talents and virtues through the science of meditation. This is a science parents can master. Inspiring meditations convey beauty to your baby. Beauty helps form the intricate patterns of the soul. Beauty reflects GOD–the Geometry of Divinity. Beauty is found in […]
17. Marriage: The Divine Masculine and Feminine
FAMILY DESIGNS for the GOLDEN AGE by Elizabeth Clare Prophet iTunes Podcast Family Designs for Golden Age is an inspiring and hopeful series that will help you bring your family back into a proper spiritual state, restoring joy and peace into your everyday family life. The Whole Family Restoring the Family’s Spiritual and Moral Compass. […]