What are practical parenting tips to help our baby heal and fulfill her highest potential?
- the etheric body (the memory)
- the mental body (the mind)
- the emotional body (the feelings and desires)
- the physical body

“Everything that your child will be comes out of his etheric body. One very important prayer to give, ideally three months or more before conception, is that the soul assigned to your family receive the benefit of your violet-flame decrees for the purification of her etheric body. The importance of this specific prayer cannot be overemphasized.” Elizabeth Clare Prophet
“By purifying the etheric body with the violet flame, souls can actually bypass these records and these burdens that limit the capacity of the three lower bodies.”
Parenting tips to help erase painful memories of a child’s past lives
Shortly after my second son was born, my wife and I found out that he was not too fond of baths. We knew that many babies cried during baths, but our son’s reaction to baths was extreme He would fight, scream, kick and pinch. He was clearly terrified by the water.
Since we knew our baby had not had any traumatic experiences with water in his short life to cause such a reaction, we realized that he must have been experiencing some type of past life memory. And then my wife had a dream about his drowning.
I think our awareness of this experience and belief in reincarnation enabled us to be more sensitive to his fear of water as he got older. He was very cautious and slow to learn how to swim, but we never pressured him. Now at ten years old he seems happy and confident in a swimming pool. The bad memories appear to be gone.
Memories of children’s past lives are still dimly present for most children until age three or so.
Soul Survivor: Reincarnation of a World War II Fighter Pilot is a riveting story written in 2009 by the parents of James Leininger, a child who had vivid past-life memories of his life in world war 2.

Practical prayers to purify the etheric body
Prenatal Prayers:
- the purification of my child’s etheric body so that his (her) mental, emotional and physical bodies will be formed according to the original blueprint of the soul
- the transmutation of my child’s negative karma, any negative karma I may have with this child and the negative karma this child has with any member of my family
- the transmutation of all that would oppose the fulfillment of the mission and highest potential of my child.
Prenatal visualization:
Visualize yourself and your child surrounded by violet flames, rising and pulsating around you as you decree. See these flames pass through your body, restoring wholeness. See them saturating your mind and your emotions. Then see these flames saturating the soul of your child and her etheric, mental, emotional and physical bodies.

(Pocket Guide to Practical Spirituality)
by Elizabeth Clare Prophet