7. Alchemy of the Heart – Lesson 7
Guarding the Heart
Overview of Lesson 7 for Children Ages 3 to 6
- The words you say are very important.
- You can learn to count to nine and calm down before you say things you are sorry for later.
- You can learn to guard your heart by visualizing yourself surrounded by your Mighty Tube of Light.
SUGGESTED MUSIC: Mozart or Bach – your choice.
CHAPTER: Guarding the Heart
- Glass, cup and other shaped containers

Story of the Miller
and His Wife
A long time ago, in the country of Holland, there was little village filled with happy people. In the village there lived a kind miller and his wife. The miller and his wife ground the gain of wheat into flour. In those days each family baked their own bread, so each week people came to buy the flour from the miller and his wife and went and baked delicious bread from it.
The people in the village were full of joy. They were loving and kind and very happy. Then, one day the miller, who was very old, died. The families in the village had to buy their flour from someone else. The whole village felt a difference. They were not so joyous. They did not feel so happy. But no one knew why.
No one knew that each and every day the miller and his wife had prayed as they worked and filled their wheat with the light of God. It was this love and light that filled the grain that the families used to bake th eir bread that made everyone happy.
Prayer can make people happy – even an entire village, as we see from this story. (Adapted from Pearls of Wisdom, Vol.15 #15, published by Summit University Press.)
But to be able to bless people with your love, you have to first open your heart to receive God’s love. Then you can share that love, as the miller and his wife did.
Guarding the Light Within
Guarding the light in your heart is the most important task for people trying to live the life God wants for us. If your heart is heavy and dark with anger, all of your actions are heavy and dark. The miller and his wife blessed the entire village with their flour because their hearts were so filled with love.
You can become someone that blesses your town if you fill your heart with light so that all of your words and actions will carry that light.
You can make good choices.
- Stop before you speak or act.
- Take a slow deep breath.
- Feel God’s love in your heart and listen.
- Obey your conscience.
Activity 1: Find Holland on the Map of Europe
Learn three things about Holland. You can use these three pictures to find out about Holland.
Activity 2: Bake Some Bread
Bake some bread or muffins and bless the flour and all of the ingredients.
Practice blessing your food and everything you handle every day.
Spiritual Protection
One way to guard your heart is to visualize yourself surrounded by light: in front of you, behind you, to your left, to your right, above you and below you. People in many different religions do this. You can visualize yourself in a giant tube of light and inside of this tube you are connected to the flame of God that is your higher self.
If you look carefully at this picture below, you see you standing in the bottom, surrounded by the violet flame we have talked about. The flame is vivid and comforting. It is not a fire that burns or hurts you in any way. It is a spiritual fire.
Look at the chart of your divine self. There is a flame in your heart. Connected to that flame, immediately above you see the middle figure which is what we call your Holy Christ Self. Above that is your God Self, sometimes called your Mighty I AM Presence, surrounded by rings of rainbow light of the rays of God’s light
Activity 3: Prayer to Guard Your Heart
Tube of Light Decree
Beloved I AM Presence bright,
Round me seal your tube of light.
From ascended master flame,
Called forth now
in God’s own name
Let it keep my temple free
From all discord sent to me.
I am calling forth violet fire
To blaze and transmute all desire,
Keeping on in freedom’s flame
‘Til I AM one with the violet flame!