“We find, then, that the heart is the key to attainment – not the brain or the nervous system or any other part of the temple. The heart extends and
transfers all the energies available to us from the other chakras…. And meditation upon the heart, the Sacred Heart of Jesus, like our meditation on Helios and Vesta, the heart of the solar system, creates a figure-eight flow of devotion.” __ Elizabeth Clare Prophet
In the seminar Family Designs for the Golden Age, Elizabeth Clare Prophet gave a lecture called The Key to Unlock the Genius of Your Child. Included in her talk is instruction on how to teach your child to meditate. Meditating is a wonderful way for the development of your child’s right brain.
You can listen to this teaching as a podcast on our website. Click on the link below.
In this lecture Elizabeth Clare Prophet, gave us teachings on the importance of meditation for a child, especially before and after naps or night time sleep. She gave examples of creating mobiles made with pure thoughtforms that parents can hang above the crib for the child to focus on. She suggested mobiles with pictures of pure geometric shapes, sun and stars or one of ascended masters pictures.
This short video clip gives simple instructions on how to create a mobile. You can have fun using your own creativity to add pictures of the ascended masters, beautiful scenes of nature or perfect geometric shapes.
There are many different materials you can use and various ways to make mobiles. You want to make it as symmetrical as possible, with pure focuses and colors, as these will be the images that your child is meditating upon.
As stated in the quote at the beginning of this article, meditation upon the heart creates a figure-eight flow of devotion. This flow strengthens the development of your child’s soul senses and attunement with her Christ Self. This is the ultimate goal of right-brain education.
For more information on how you can help your children strengthen their soul senses through right brain fun activities for all ages, order the book: Inner-Active Learning through Right Brain Education.
Now available in print: hhttp://store.summitlighthouse.org/inner-active-learning-booklet.
Download an ebook : http://www.amazon.com/Inner-Active-Learning-through-Education-ebook.
The next article will give more information on meditation and its importance in developing the soul sense of Telepathy.