Christmas is the time of rituals and the season to impart the “Spirit” of Christmas. Here are some ideas to create meaningful rituals that have spiritual significance for your family in your homes and with your friends.
- Cultivate holiness during the season. Talk with your children about the true meaning of Christmas. Read the scriptural account of Christ’s birth (Luke Chapter 2, verses 1 -20)
- Place a nativity manger in your home. Children love setting the figures and talking about their significance. Wait until late Christmas Eve to place the baby Jesus in the manger. On Christmas morning, sing Happy Birthday to Jesus before you begin opening presents.
- Each day in the season of advent, write on a piece of “hay” (a piece of yellow paper) a gift of your heart that you want to give Jesus—and then place it in the manger. By Christmas Eve, his manger will be soft with many pieces of hay (and your heart’s gifts).
Near the manger, place a symbol of gold, frankincense and myrrh – symbols of the balance of the three fold flame in the heart – carried by the wise men who came from the Far East bringing these gifts to honor Jesus. This can remind us to pray to Jesus each day and feel his Light in our hearts.
- Make a daily round through your house carrying the incense of frankincense and myrrh (or diffuse them as essential oils) to prepare your homes and hearts for the coming again of the Christ.
- Go caroling in your neighborhood or church and sing the spiritual Christmas songs that open hearts and instill the true meaning of the holiday.
- Place a Yule log in your home and light the candles each night during Christmas tide to represent the rekindling of the fires of the Ancient of Days (Sanat Kumara) who long ago came to the earth to keep the flame of life. Let the lighting of the fire and the lighting of each candle forever symbolize the igniting of the threefold flame of the Christ consciousness in the hearts of all mankind.
- Make or purchase a wreath – Show your children that it has no beginning or end representing the love which Jesus has for each of us, and that we share with each other. Recite the Golden Rule with your family each night to spread the love.
- Have your family reenact the holy scene of Christmas Eve and take on the roles. Become the players who played their parts in the greatest drama ever presented as Almighty God is the author of this play.
- Place an advent wreath in your home. As you light the candles through the advent season, make the calls for the clearing of the records in our four lower bodies – et
heric, mental, emotional and physical bodies.
- Prepare your Christmas tree with painted balls that represent the star of the causal bodies of the Ascended Masters. Have your family members write the names of their favorite Ascended Masters. For wherever the name of an Archangel, an Elohim, an ascended being is written or spoken, there is the focus of that Electronic Presence.
- Let your children be glad when they think about the coming of Santa with his bundle of gifts. And tell them the story of good Saint Nicholas, who in honor of the Christ, provided a dowry for three poor maidens by tossing purses of gold through their open windows at night. Above all, remember that the children are waiting to hear of the coming of the Christ into their house as the unseen guest.
Instill in your family that the true spirit of Christmas is something that doesn’t go away at the end of December; your family can spread joy, love and charity throughout the year.