6. Alchemy of the Heart (Ages 6 to 10) Lesson 6

Forgiving God
Overview of Lesson 6 for Children Ages 6 to 10
- Sometimes we are angry with God but we do not even know it.
- No matter what happens, we can thank God for what we do have
- When we love someone, it is really the inner spirit that we love.
- When we send out love, it comes back to us. When we send out anger, it comes back to us.
- Just as we take a bath to wash our bodies, we can take a spiritual bath with violet flame light to wash out thoughts and feelings.
CHAPTER 3: Making Peace with God, Surrender to a Higher Love and Clearing the Heart
- Prism or piece of cut crystal
- Paper and colored pencils or crayons
- Small clear bowl
- 6-8 marbles
- Molasses
- Hot water and blue and red food coloring

Making Peace with God
Have you ever been mad at God? Sometimes people are mad at God but they do not admit it, even to themselves. Sometimes very sad things happen. People lose someone they love, like a beloved grandma, a brother or sister, sometimes even a mother or father. Has anything like this ever happened to you or anyone you know?
People sometimes wonder; why did God let this happen to me? God does not “let” things happen. Things happen because of the karma and the lessons for each soul. We always have a choice when something difficult happens. We can accept that God has a plan for every soul or we can get angry and blame God or someone else. Sometimes people even blame themselves.
Being angry with God can make us act many ways. Sometimes it makes us act resentful and angry at everyone. Sometimes it makes us get very quiet and not interested in things. Sometimes it makes us want to eat and sleep more than we need. Sometimes it makes us think about our work or school so much that we do not think about how we really feel inside.
But we always have a choice. If something bad happens to us, we can choose to send love to everyone who feels hurt and try to thank God for what we do have. Sometimes our soul has a lesson to learn from pain. Is there anything God wants us to learn from this experience?

Stories of Forgiveness
1. One time there was a very big forest fire that burned down many of the houses and stores in a town in California. A man and his wife watched everything they owned go up in the flames. Instead of being angry about what they lost, they hugged each other and thanked God that they still had each other.
2. A long time ago in China, there was a man who told stories. His name was Lieh Tze. He told this story about a man, his son and his horse.
The man had a horse which one day disappeared. His neighbors came by to say how sorry they were. The man said to them: “Why do think this is a problem?”
A few days later the horse returned, with several other wild horses. The neighbors came over again, this time to congratulate him for the good fortune of having many horses. The man said to them: “Why do think this is good luck?”
Before long, with all these horses around the house, the man’s son began to ride. One day he was thrown off and broke his leg. His neighbors came by to say how sorry they were for the latest calamity. The man said to them: “Why do think this is misfortune?”
Sometime later, a war broke out and all the young men had to go to fight. Because the man’s son was lame from his broken leg, he did not have to go to the war.
The man might have been angry about losing his horse and his son breaking a leg. But he quietly accepted the events and watched for the hidden blessing.
When we are angry at God, it is usually because deep down we feel hurt and have not been able to accept what happened in our lives. It will help our souls if we look inside ourselves and try to find out if we are angry with God and to let go of the anger and the hurt. It is not always easy, but if we do not do it, that anger can stay hidden inside of us for our entire life.
Activity 1: Are You Angry at God?
Take some time to think about this. If there are things you do not understand in your life and that make you feel angry, try talking to your parents about it. Try praying to God. Ask him to help you to understand. Ask God to forgive you for being angry.
Activity 2: Clearing and Healing Your Heart
Visualize God’s love flowing into you like a waterfall of light.
As soon as you feel the energy of love coming into your heart,
smile and offer to do something for someone you love.
Giving Love
When you love someone, who is it that loves? Who is it that you really love? When we love, it is God in us loving God in the other person. When we send love from our heart, it is like shooting an arrow of love and kindness from our own heart to God’s heart.
When we help someone who is hard to love, someone who is being cranky or is not so nice to us, we know it is the right thing to do to help them. Why? Because they are part of God too and we are serving God when we serve them.
Love is never wasted. The person we love or serve may not seem to love us back and sometimes it hurts our feelings. We may not get anything back, but that love will someday return to us.
Activity 3: Rays of Light from a Prism
Hold a prism or crystal to the light. Can you see how the light makes a beautiful rainbow?
God’s light also divides into rainbow rays and each color of light has a different action. Can you see the violet light? It is the light of the highest frequency of vibration. People all over the world have seen this colored light and learned to use this flame. Its color stimulates mercy and forgiveness. Of all the colors of the flames of God, the violet is the closest to chemicals of the physical universe and so it can change our minds and bodies when we use it.
The violet flame is the way we can change the records of returning karma and negative thinking and feeling inside of us. This change or “transmutation” is called alchemy, and has been what men and women have tried to do for thousands of years.
Violet flame
Activity 4: Experiment to Melt Hardness of Heart
We’ve all misused the energy of our heart at one time or another.
Maybe we’ve been unkind, critical or stingy. At energetic levels,
our negative thoughts, feelings and actions create what looks like
a molasses substance around the heart… This “hardness of heart”
can prevent the sunlight of love from reaching our heart or
radiating from it.
Take a clear bowl and put some marbles in the bottom. Put the bowl in a larger bowl or on a deep tray. Pour a coating of sticky molasses over it. This is how our heart gets when we have been angry or sad. It is covered with substance like molasses, and sometimes it hardens into what people call “hardness of heart.”
Mix blue and red food coloring in hot water to create a violet liquid. Pour the hot water over the molasses-coated marbles. When we visualize the violet flame and invoke it from God’s heart, it dissolves the darkness, just like this violet water dissolves the molasses.
Activity 5: Invoke the Violet Flame
Take a few minutes every day and do these simple prayers to the violet flame and see how it can change your life! You can actually clear away the darkness of whatever may be bothering you.
In some of these affirmations we say “I AM.” This refers to the name of God I AM THAT I AM, that Moses heard from the burning bush. When we say I AM it means, God in me is.
Affirmation #1
I AM a being a violet fire
I AM the purity God desires
Affirmation #2
Violet fire, thou love divine,
Blaze within this heart of mine!
Thou art mercy forever true,
Keep me always in tune with you!
Affirmation #3
My heart is a chakra* of violet fire,
My heart is the purity God desires!
* The heart is one of the seven major energy centers,
or chakras, in the body. We will learn more about
the chakras in the next lesson.