by Elizabeth Clare Prophet
iTunes Podcast
Family Designs for Golden Age is an inspiring and hopeful series that will help you bring your family back into a proper spiritual state, restoring joy and peace into your everyday family life.
The Whole Family
Restoring the Family’s Spiritual and Moral Compass.
Podcast 4. Archetype of the Divine Woman
Archetype of the Divine Woman is from the Family Designs lecture: “Karma, Reincarnation, and the Family,” by Elizabeth Clare Prophet. In this forth podcast we will take an in depth look at the soul of Mary, the mother of Jesus, and her role as the Divine Mother.
* Why both man and woman must aspire to raise the feminine ray
* Visualize the purpose of meditation
* Learn about the embodiments of Mary on Atlantis and elsewhere
* Discover the science of the immaculate concept practiced by Mary
* How to use this science to hold the vision of highest potential for all
“The fallen ones know that if they can destroy the mystique of motherhood in every one of you, they can destroy your potential to bring forth the Christ in your work, in your education, in whatever you are doing right now…”—Elizabeth Clare Prophet.
(Note: This link opens in iTunes. If you don’t have iTunes, download it here.)
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We believe that the relevant and timeless ascended master teachings imparted in the Family Designs for Golden Age podcast will transform your view of the family and karma, marriage, twin flames, soul mates and spiritual parenting.
“Family Designs for the Golden Age” MP3 audio CD
11 hours, $14.95
BUY the MP3 at the Summit Lighthouse Bookstore.