by Elizabeth Clare Prophet
iTunes Podcast
Family Designs for Golden Age is an inspiring and hopeful series that will help you bring your family back into a proper spiritual state, restoring joy and peace into your everyday family life.
The Whole Family
Restoring the Family’s Spiritual and Moral Compass.
Podcast 20. From Spirit to Matter
From Spirit to Matter is the first podcast from the next lecture in the Family Designs seminar: “Charting the Cycles of Your Family According to the Cosmic Clock,” by Elizabeth Clare Prophet.
* Alpha and Omega, the T’ai chi of God
* The four lower bodies
* A chant to experience wholeness and concentrate energies in Spirit
* Illusion, maya and The Divine Mother
“On the Alpha thrust of coming into manifestation, life descends into form and life comes forth from the I AM Presence into the heart chakra to the very base of the spine. The base of the spine is the focal point of the Mother; as we have discussed, it is the Mother chakra. The return of energy back to God then is the raising of the base of the spine back to the crown, back to twelve, back to Alpha. So this is the cycle of life. It’s the evolution of plant life, animal life, solar systems, starry bodies, the cosmos. All follows the same cycle of the spiral of Alpha to Omega.”—Elizabeth Clare Prophet
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We believe that the relevant and timeless ascended master teachings imparted in the Family Designs for Golden Age podcast will transform your view of the family and karma, marriage, twin flames, soul mates and spiritual parenting.
“Family Designs for the Golden Age” MP3 audio CD
11 hours, $14.95
BUY the MP3 at the Summit Lighthouse Bookstore.