by Elizabeth Clare Prophet
iTunes Podcast
Family Designs for Golden Age is an inspiring and hopeful series that will help you bring your family back into a proper spiritual state, restoring joy and peace into your everyday family life.
The Whole Family
Restoring the Family’s Spiritual and Moral Compass.
Podcast 17. Marriage: The Divine Masculine and Feminine
Marriage: The Divine Masculine and Feminine is from the Family Designs lecture: “Your Marriage Made on Earth,” by Elizabeth Clare Prophet.
* What is the underlying cause of divorce?
* How to spiritualize marriage
* The purpose of marriage
* The masculine and feminine rays
“Marriage is only a beginning. And when you take the vow for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, it means that you are making a vow to share your karma. You each carry your karma on your back; now it becomes a joint load. The weakness of your spouse is transmuted by your strength. Your own weaknesses are transmuted by his or her strength. That’s what marriage is for—bearing a common load together.”—Elizabeth Clare Prophet
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We believe that the relevant and timeless ascended master teachings imparted in the Family Designs for Golden Age podcast will transform your view of the family and karma, marriage, twin flames, soul mates and spiritual parenting.
“Family Designs for the Golden Age” MP3 audio CD
11 hours, $14.95
BUY the MP3 at the Summit Lighthouse Bookstore.